Media Round Up – December 2017

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A very Happy New Year from the Resilience Engine team! Some great articles that we’ve curated throughout December. Feel free to share!


What are UK universities’ mental health services like? Are they doing enough? by Izzy Bilton 

Opinion by Mike Blake: Why your wellbeing initiatives might be in need of a revamp

Are we burning ourselves out in the pursuit of happiness? by Tom Calvard 

Where Employee Surveys on Burnout and Employee Engagement Go Wrong by Jennifer Cullen


McKinsey: How to identify the right “spans of control” for your organisation

How to Deal With Procrastination by Dennis Relojo 

Employee behaviour: the real secret behind engagement by Rupert Poulson

Why Employee Disengagement Correlates with Poor Customer Experience


Don’t Just Survive – Thrive: Impact Of Stress On The Brain by Marina Wildt and Dr Tara Swart 

Team Engagement Brings Competitive Advantage by Julia Felton

Higher resilience means having all the key components that lead to high performance 

Key takeaways from the 2017 Leadership Institute survey by London Business School 


Why Personal Development Is A Must For Today’s CEO by George W. Watts and Jamie Millar

Why Growth is the Key to Employee Engagement by Dr Rick Goodman, CSP 

101 – The Essentials of Coaching and Mentoring by Milosz_Krasinski 

Can You Switch Off? An interview with Amy Blankson by Michelle McQuaid 


Mark Conway, Technology & Marketing Partner
Curated on behalf of The Resilience Engine by Oak Consult