Fire Fighting?

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Resilience is your capacity for change.

‘I think there’s a danger that we get caught up very much in the fire fighting. When we don’t have enough resilience to be able to stand back from something and put it in perspective’.
Participant of a Resilience Engine programme

Highly resilient people seek different perspectives all the time, so they don’t get trapped by any patterned ways of thinking, doing, or being. How can you create the space to get perspective?

First off the bat, connect with how to ‘be’ more. ‘Being Present’ is one of the top three enablers of your resilience. Which of these do you do already, and which do you want to do more of?

• Taking a moment out
• Counting to ten before reacting
• Going for a walk to clear your head
• Watching a sunset, or enjoying a similar beautiful moment
• Becoming kinder to yourself in the moment, no matter what your thoughts are
• Doing that hobby or sport that allows you to cut off from everything else
• Yoga, Pilates or Mindfulness

The second step is to consider the conditions that you need to get perspective. There are four key drivers:

1. Your Energy
How much energy have you got in your tank? If this is too low, forget trying to do anything else other than topping the energy up.

2. Your Curiosity
What would be most interesting for you to discover about this whole situation?

3. The Time available
Nothing will change unless you give yourself some time and space to notice for real what is going on

4. Your commitment to doing well/doing right in this situation
How much does it matter – to you? – to others?

Seeking perspective is a fab way to get out of the fire-fighting trap. Both ‘Being Present’, and creating the conditions for perspective are straightforward. Give them a go!

To discover more about how you can invest in your resilience, click here.

Author: Jenny Campbell, CEO of The Resilience Engine