A thought for Christmas – Celebrate Yourself

Celebrate Yourself


Celebrate the times you’ve felt groovy

When you danced around the kitchen

Or wiggled your bum at the bus-stop whilst listening to music


Celebrate the times you’ve allowed your voice to be heard

Like a lark rising, clear and strong

Expressing ‘that’s not right’ or ‘this is what I need’


Celebrate the times you have asked for help

Just because they were there, or when you really were stuck

How useful it was to get a different perspective!


Celebrate the times you’ve said ‘no’

Despite the immense pressure or the oh-so-strong desire to please

You said ‘no’ so you could say ‘yes’ to something else!


Celebrate the times when you’ve allowed yourself to be still

Quiet, with your own thoughts. Or still with others, sharing the silence.

Stopping doing, just being.



Go on!

Author: Jenny Campbell, CEO The Resilience Engine