Have a laugh

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When is the last time you really had a laugh?

Think about it.

Do you seek out ways to get a laugh? Or are you just keeping it together, often feeling tired, perhaps distracted because of work or home life pressures, and need to wind down before you’re in the mood to even think about anything remotely funny? (thank you very much!)
How many of your clients are in the same position?

The ability to laugh easily and frequently is a tremendous resource. Laughing is good for you and your resilience and wellbeing! Laughter stimulates the immune system and counteracts the effects of the negative stress reactions when stress hormones hijack your brain and your body. It is a natural stress reducer that has been related to improved health, increased life expectancy, and overall wellbeing. Being able to get at this marvellous resource inside you needs a little nurturing.


Here are the Resilience Engine’s steps to laughter, no matter what you’re feeling. Give these steps a go for yourself. And give them a go with your coaching clients:

  1. Decide you want to laugh more

No need to argue this one out. It’s good for you. And therefore it will be good in your service of others as a coach.

  1. Decide you deserve it

You always do, no matter how much of a schmuk you might have been. (And remember.  Everyone else deserves to experience you the way you can be when you are fun and laughing.)

  1. Seek out other people and situations that make you laugh – as often as you can

Go outside of yourself and seek the sunny people and stuff that exists all around. (Don’t expect that sitting in a room by yourself when you’re feeling dismal will make the difference.) And if you can’t do that because of constraints of time or location, remember a funny moment, several if you can, and bring them into you right now. You’ll find yourself at least giggling…

  1. Laugh at stuff now

Since laughter is a reaction to a current stimulus, it involves an acceptance of the present. When you laugh, you let go of thought and inhibition–which is why laughter is the greatest medicine against negative stress. You cannot laugh while your mind is preoccupied with stressful thoughts. Give power to the present moment, and be grateful for your life as it is now.

Have a laugh. Go and get some for the sake of your resilience!


Author: Jenny Campbell, CEO of The Resilience Engine